

每個圈子都有自己的蠢話。當代藝術界 —— 更準確地說,當代藝術品市場圈本世紀最傻逼的金句出自蘇富比當代藝術部總監 Tobias Meyer 之口,他2007年說:「普天之下最值錢的就是這些當代藝術作品,這個市場太好了。1914年以後,我們終於有了一個只升不跌(non- cyclical)的市場。」僅僅過去了一年,這個「只升不跌」的當代藝術品市場一片慘淡,敗象畢露。蘇富比的股價蒸發了80%,已逼近歷史低點。各大拍賣會傳來的主題詞無一例外地是流拍、流拍、流拍……,路易斯和福特的長文〈第二次鬱金香狂熱〉,斷言當代藝術品的暴紅只是一個典型的投資泡沫,現在,這個泡沫敗象畢現。路易斯、福特的〈鬱金香〉一文及由此引發的一系列討論,精闢之處不在於對未來詛咒似的預言,而在於對當代藝術品市場紅與黑的體貼觀察:為什麼它會突然竄紅?為什麼它又會全軍盡墨?當代藝術品走紅,成為全球金融市場的新寵,全球財富榜單上的新科舉人聯手將它鍛煉成一個新的投資品種。根據《福布斯》的統計,2000年以來,全世界10億美元身價以上的富豪人數,以每年20%的速度遞增,身家百萬美元以上的新富更是難以計數。正是這些新富染指當代藝術品市場,令它身價陡升。新富笑納新歡,說得玄妙一點,是本世紀初井噴般湧出的新錢在尋找文化的自我證明;說得實在一點,是當代藝術品具備充當投資新品種的種種優勢。就美學品質而言,當代藝術作品絕對到不了傳統藝術作品的高度。新錢選擇當代放棄傳統,並不是因為傳統藝術品價格過高,而是傳統藝術品流動性嚴重不足,最好的傳統藝術品都是概不出售的博物館藏品。相反,當代藝術品卻是一個全流通的市場,全流通的市場才會有投資升值的廣闊空間。大多數傳統藝術品地域特點強烈,當代藝術品概念先行面目模糊,反而像無產者一樣沒有祖國,適合在全世界流浪。2004年前後,一大批新富進入當代藝術品市場,他們的虛榮心和投資利益得到了雙重滿足。2008 年的金融海嘯,割斷了當代藝術品市場的資金鏈,市場頓時面臨嚴重危機。其實,即使沒有金融危機,當代藝術品市場遲早也會崩盤,因為當代藝術品作為一個投資品種,不僅召喚投資,更召喚泡沫投資,召喚投機。當代藝術品一旦在市場上獲得高位定價,立刻會催生超量供應,源源不斷的新作形成巨大的賣盤。當代藝術作品太容易製作,甚至比鉑金手袋的製作周期更短,它可能只要一個月,或者十天,甚至只要一天。2007年秋拍,當代藝術首席藝術家 Hirst 名下的拍品有兩百多件。過去各大拍賣行一年只推幾十位藝術家,2008年拍賣名錄上的藝術家達到千人。環顧左右,中國起碼還有十萬當代藝術學徒正在磨拳擦掌,準備成為下一個張曉剛。按照這樣的速度,以2007至2008年的市場定價和遞增速度,不出十年,當代藝術品可以吞噬全世界的所有資金。這個市場再不崩潰,天理何存?


Will Fair Use Survive?
Free Expression in the Age of Copyright Control

By Marjorie Heins and Tricia Beckles
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
Free Expression Policy Project
December 2005


Internet Art: The Online Clash of Culture and Commerce
by Julian Stallabrass

Published October, 2003 by Tate Gallery Publishing, Limited, Paperback, 168 Pages, ISBN: 9781854373458, ISBN-10: 1854373455, List Price $24.95.


I believe we have to reinforce the rights for fair use.
not just free culture upon creative commons.

all rights reserved = some rights reserved + fair use
these is one of the major question that I posted in the talk,
not that I am wholely against Creative Commons

but according to what artist Luke Ching said over his hijacking practice,

these are part of the emails between me and Law Man Lok that inspired me of the project and the talk.

this is the come about of the title of my "artist" talk
a modified title based on Lawrence Lessig's talk earlier in HK.

thanks to artist Law Man Lok for being the guest discussant of the talk, and also all who came for the talk, plus
the ones that could not make it, but kind enough to wish me well for the talk.
In late Oct, I was invited to participate in C&G Artpartment coming show "Greedy? Conceptual Art Exhibition".
this is one of the clip I did for the show, and promo of the artist talk on Creative Commons scheduled on the 13/12/2008.


以錢之名 Moneyfather
Chinese Contemporary Art 2008
hey news


Olav Velthuis
Talking Prices: Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology) (2007)


Olav Velthuis
Imaginary EconomicsContemporary Artists and the World of Big Money (2005)


Swiss-born, Paris-based artist Thomas Hirschhorn said "The trap for an artist is not the market. ... The danger is to lose the mission!"